Gavyn the Shady Dealer

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Gavyn The Shady Dealer Location
Gavyn The Shady Dealer Location

Gavyn is one of the Trader & Merchants and can be found in the western side of Farbane Woods near the Bandit Copper Mine and Bandit Armory areas.

Gavyn sells the following items:

Item Cost (Silver Coins)
Pilgrim’s Hat 200
Necromancer’s Mitre 200
Blood Rose Brew 25
Brew of Ferocity 25
Minor Garlic Resistance Brew 25
Minor Explosive Box 40
Lumberjack’s Axes 16
Blood Rose Seed 15
Fire Blossom Seed 15
Snow Flower Seed 15
Mourning Lily Seed 15
Hell’s Clarion Spores 15
Crude Amethyst
Crude Emerald 8
Crude Miststone 8
Crude Ruby 8
Crude Sapphire 8
Crude Topaz 8